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John Brown House

3D Model

During my undergraduate degree I had the privilege to 3D model a local historical site using SketchUp.

The Brown homestead is the oldest home in St. Catharines.  Working with the John Brown Heritage Foundation, my team was given the opportunity to tour the building and learn about its history.  During one such tour, we took detailed measurements of the house and generated rough design blueprints on site.


It was my responsibility to model the Brown House's intricate front porch, so I was tasked with measuring, sketching, and precisely modelling the porch's features in their entirety. The measurement process was surprisingly difficult, due to the age and associated wear of the architectural features.


I also textured the full model using colour sampling where appropriate, and created two tileable textures generated from my reference photographs.


Below are images of my process and of the finalized 3D model. 

Blueprints drawn on-site longside photographs of associated elements

Pillar details in SketchUp

Textured and modelled front porch

Trim side profile and model detail

Trim detailing in SketchUp

Untextured front porch model

Photograph of the Brown House

Final 3D model. Note the tileable brick texture generated from reference images. 

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